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Toronto Athletic Games ran it's 3rd event of 2013 on November 2nd.  The Brute Strength - Pound for Pound Challenge was the first competition of it's kind, to test athletes' proficiency in both conventional and non-conventional strength elements!  Our unique judging format created a level playing field for athletes of all sizes to compete, and showcase their abilities.  So exactly what kind of "toys" might did the athletes have to play with??

Brute Strength - Pound for Pound Challenge

Results - November 2, 2013


Womens Open - Top 5

1. Ela Pten - 44 points

2. Mary Le - 37 points

3. Abigail Edgar - 23 points

4. Maddie Lynch - 21 points

5. Sarah Goodenough - 17 points


Mens Open - Top 5

1. Ryan Harris - 31 points

2. J.P. Castillo - 26 points

3. Matt Barkowski - 26 points

4. Hani Hadidi - 23 points

5. Adam Nameh - 16 points



- Tractor Tires

- Prowlers

- Logs

- Farmer's Walk Implements

- Atlas Stones



- Olympic Barbells

- Dumbbells

- Kettlebells

- Trap Bars


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